
If you have questions or comments for me, please email me at acharmingnest@gmail.com



  1. Hey Erin! My name is Julie Carter and I saw a pin of yours on Pinterest!!! I am currently looking for entry way furniture that looks like Pottery Barn but doesn't cost like Pottery Barn and say what you built! So, I visited your page and saw that you shopped at IKEA and I LOVE IKEA. Then I saw that you shop at the same IKEA I go to in Cincinnati. I live 2 hours southwest of Cincinnati in Portsmouth, Oh. Soooo I would send you an email to say hi. I love your page and I'm sure I will be visiting it often!

  2. nice site! please share the paint color used in your bedroom? It's perfect!

  3. Do you still have the plans and or dimensions for the locker/storage unit you have on your site? (http://lh6.ggpht.com/-7ePJ4zH3Ph0/T1J1knelANI/AAAAAAAABf8/nvNF68A1DYA/s1600-h/IMG_2980%25255B4%25255D.jpg). My wife wants to make something like this and this is the best DIY unit I have ever seen and would be perfect for the space we want to put it in.

  4. I am really enjoying your blog! Our styles are so eerily similar, including the same Richmond White china pattern and the powder room with the white paneling and the BM paint! I'm looking forward to learning more along with you!

  5. I stumbled on your site while looking at pics for mudroom storage, everything looks great. While looking at your pictures everything was familiar to me them I realized my new house is the exact same floorplan, it was great to see all your updates as it would look in my house! Good Work.

  6. I love the kitchen island with the beadboard. I was wondering what the dimensions of the island are? I have a old piece of furniture I want to work with.


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