Feb 15, 2012

{This is progress…}

I’ve got nothing.  No deep thoughts.  No inspirational quotes.  No fun little tidbits.  But, I can tell you, I’ve been busy.  It’s been a little crazy around here, and I can honestly say that one word that comes to my mind the most is “overwhelmed.”  Most of my pressures seem to come from school…school as in “my job” and school as in “me as student” and school as in “the college class I am attempting to teach.”  I’ve got a paper about “unequal childhoods” due this Friday and lessons to write and develop for the college class that I’m teaching about “finding your inner motivation”. 

Some days I feel as though I’m Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz perpetually stuck in the spin of the tornado whirling through life.  I tell myself that “I must slow down.”  I want to slow down.  I must learn the magic word…no.  I’ve heard that it’s a pretty mighty word.  And may I ask…then why is that word so hard to say? 

We do have some progress to share with all of you!  And I’m so excited!  We have added door casings to two entry ways in our house.  One leads into “The Kid’s” play room (our morning room) and the other leads into our kitchen.

Here are some before pictures…



And here they are with the added casings…



Then we got to thinking that we could add non-moving transom windows.  They are high entries, so it seemed like a pretty good idea.  So, we went with it.

Before we added the lattice around the edges, as described in this post, we built a rectangle with 1x3’s…





Now, our glass is on order and we’re playing the waiting game.  More is coming soon…I promise, but we are loving the way this looks even without the glass.  Sometimes it’s the little things that make us swoon…and for me, it’s this.

The inspiration?  Edie at Life in Grace blog…it’s one of my favorite blogs.  She is so smart.  So interesting.  So smart.  So creative.  So honest.  So real.  Did I say she was smart?  She’s inspirational…losing it all, then finding even more, all while keeping her grace.  She recently did a post about “Shame” and “Grace for the good girl.”  It’s deep.  Smart.  And it spoke to me.

On more superficial topics…her kitchen…is to die for.  Breathtaking.  Not to mention, our inspiration for transom windows.  Look closely in the back, at those two entries.   See what I see?  They have windows!


Source: 31 Days|Day 29 The Kitchen, her highness

Her kitchen is the queen.  And I love everything about it.  Thank you, Edie.  Thank you, for giving me inspiration to be me, to keep writing (even if you all are silently correcting my grammar), to keep sharing…and for allowing me to enjoy your grace.


  1. Hi Erin! I'm in love with what you guys are doing to all your entryways. So much so that's its inspired me to update some of ours.

    Love that you added the transom. We did that to our 5 doors when we revamped our dark hallway and I don't regret it one bit.

    Thanks for sharing. XO

  2. I just love your home!! I hear you on being stuck in the never ending tornado, welcome to my world!!

    Quick question for you, did you change your blog heaader? It looks adorable, which program did you use? I am totally thrown with Picnik ending and trying to scramble to change mine before Picnik completely shuts down.

    Have a good one!

  3. Love your home.So inspirational.Those castings look amazing.How grand they look.

  4. Love the addition of casings, for such a "little" thing they add so much heft and architectural detail.

  5. What a great idea to add some transom windows - I love the character. I'm looking forward to the final product. :)


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